1# Read a DNA FASTA file, translate to protein, and format output (here make 25-character-long lines)
use strict;
use warnings;
use BeginPerlBioinfo;
my @file_data = ( );
my $dna = '';
my $protein = '';
@file_data = get_file_data("sample.dna");
$dna = extract_sequence_from_fasta_data(@file_data);
$protein = dna2peptide($dna);
print_sequence($protein, 25);
2# Translate a DNA sequence in all three reading frames (2 are in plus, 1 in minus strand)
use strict;
use warnings;
use BeginPerlBioinfo;
my @file_data = ( );
my $dna = '';
my $revcom = '';
my $protein = '';
@file_data = get_file_data("sample.dna");
$dna = extract_sequence_from_fasta_data(@file_data);
print "\n -------Reading Frame 1--------\n\n";
$protein = translate_frame($dna, 1);
print_sequence($protein, 50);
print "\n -------Reading Frame 2--------\n\n";
$protein = translate_frame($dna, 2);
print_sequence($protein, 50);
$revcom = revcom($dna);
print "\n -------Reading Frame 3--------\n\n";
$protein = translate_frame($revcom, 3);
print_sequence($protein, 50);
#subroutine (2 of them i.e revcom, translate_frame)
sub revcom {
my($dna) = @_;
my($revcom) = reverse($dna);
$revcom =~ tr/ACGTacgt/TGCAtgca/;
return $revcom;
sub translate_frame {
my($seq, $start, $end) = @_;
my $protein;
unless($end) {
$end = length($seq);
return dna2peptide ( substr ( $seq, $start - 1,
$end -$start + 1) );
3#Find motifs/regex
if( $dna =~ /CT[CGT]ACG/ ) {
print "I found the motif!!\n";
# Make restriction map from user queries
use strict;
use warnings;
use BeginPerlBioinfo;
my %rebase_hash = ( );
my @file_data = ( );
my $query = '';
my $dna = '';
my $recognition_site = '';
my $regexp = '';
my @locations = ( );
@file_data = get_file_data("sample.dna");
$dna = extract_sequence_from_fasta_data(@file_data);
%rebase_hash = parseREBASE('bionet');
do {
print "Search for what restriction site for (or quit)?: ";
$query = <STDIN>;
chomp $query;
# Exit if empty query
if ($query =~ /^\s*$/ ) {
if ( exists $rebase_hash{$query} ) {
($recognition_site, $regexp) = split ( " ", $rebase_hash{$query});
@locations = match_positions($regexp, $dna);
if (@locations) {
print "Searching for $query $recognition_site $regexp\n";
print "A restriction site for $query at locations:\n";
print join(" ", @locations), "\n";
} else {
print "A restriction site for $query is not in the DNA:\n";
print "\n";
} until ( $query =~ /quit/ );
# Subroutine
sub match_positions {
my($regexp, $sequence) = @_;
use strict;
use BeginPerlBioinfo;
my @positions = ( );
while ( $sequence =~ /$regexp/ig ) {
push ( @positions, pos($sequence) - length($&) + 1);
return @positions;
4#Extract annotation and sequence from GenBank file
use strict;
use warnings;
use BeginPerlBioinfo;
my $sequence = '';
my $filename = '';
parse1(\@annotation, \$sequence, $filename);
print @annotation;
print_sequence($sequence, 50);
# Subroutine
sub parse1 {
my($annotation, $dna, $filename) = @_;
my $in_sequence = 0;
my @GenBankFile = ( );
@GenBankFile = get_file_data($filename);
foreach my $line (@GenBankFile) {
if( $line =~ /^\/\/\n/ ) {
} elsif( $in_sequence) {
$$dna .= $line;
} elsif ( $line =~ /^ORIGIN/ ) {
$in_sequence = 1;
} else{
push( @$annotation, $line);
$$dna =~ s/[\s0-9]//g;
1# Read a DNA FASTA file, translate to protein, and format output (here make 25-character-long lines)
use strict;
use warnings;
use BeginPerlBioinfo;
my @file_data = ( );
my $dna = '';
my $protein = '';
@file_data = get_file_data("sample.dna");
$dna = extract_sequence_from_fasta_data(@file_data);
$protein = dna2peptide($dna);
print_sequence($protein, 25);
2# Translate a DNA sequence in all three reading frames (2 are in plus, 1 in minus strand)
use strict;
use warnings;
use BeginPerlBioinfo;
my @file_data = ( );
my $dna = '';
my $revcom = '';
my $protein = '';
@file_data = get_file_data("sample.dna");
$dna = extract_sequence_from_fasta_data(@file_data);
print "\n -------Reading Frame 1--------\n\n";
$protein = translate_frame($dna, 1);
print_sequence($protein, 50);
print "\n -------Reading Frame 2--------\n\n";
$protein = translate_frame($dna, 2);
print_sequence($protein, 50);
$revcom = revcom($dna);
print "\n -------Reading Frame 3--------\n\n";
$protein = translate_frame($revcom, 3);
print_sequence($protein, 50);
#subroutine (2 of them i.e revcom, translate_frame)
sub revcom {
my($dna) = @_;
my($revcom) = reverse($dna);
$revcom =~ tr/ACGTacgt/TGCAtgca/;
return $revcom;
sub translate_frame {
my($seq, $start, $end) = @_;
my $protein;
unless($end) {
$end = length($seq);
return dna2peptide ( substr ( $seq, $start - 1,
$end -$start + 1) );
3#Find motifs/regex
if( $dna =~ /CT[CGT]ACG/ ) {
print "I found the motif!!\n";
# Make restriction map from user queries
use strict;
use warnings;
use BeginPerlBioinfo;
my %rebase_hash = ( );
my @file_data = ( );
my $query = '';
my $dna = '';
my $recognition_site = '';
my $regexp = '';
my @locations = ( );
@file_data = get_file_data("sample.dna");
$dna = extract_sequence_from_fasta_data(@file_data);
%rebase_hash = parseREBASE('bionet');
do {
print "Search for what restriction site for (or quit)?: ";
$query = <STDIN>;
chomp $query;
# Exit if empty query
if ($query =~ /^\s*$/ ) {
if ( exists $rebase_hash{$query} ) {
($recognition_site, $regexp) = split ( " ", $rebase_hash{$query});
@locations = match_positions($regexp, $dna);
if (@locations) {
print "Searching for $query $recognition_site $regexp\n";
print "A restriction site for $query at locations:\n";
print join(" ", @locations), "\n";
} else {
print "A restriction site for $query is not in the DNA:\n";
print "\n";
} until ( $query =~ /quit/ );
# Subroutine
sub match_positions {
my($regexp, $sequence) = @_;
use strict;
use BeginPerlBioinfo;
my @positions = ( );
while ( $sequence =~ /$regexp/ig ) {
push ( @positions, pos($sequence) - length($&) + 1);
return @positions;
4#Extract annotation and sequence from GenBank file
use strict;
use warnings;
use BeginPerlBioinfo;
my $sequence = '';
my $filename = '';
parse1(\@annotation, \$sequence, $filename);
print @annotation;
print_sequence($sequence, 50);
# Subroutine
sub parse1 {
my($annotation, $dna, $filename) = @_;
my $in_sequence = 0;
my @GenBankFile = ( );
@GenBankFile = get_file_data($filename);
foreach my $line (@GenBankFile) {
if( $line =~ /^\/\/\n/ ) {
} elsif( $in_sequence) {
$$dna .= $line;
} elsif ( $line =~ /^ORIGIN/ ) {
$in_sequence = 1;
} else{
push( @$annotation, $line);
$$dna =~ s/[\s0-9]//g;
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