Sunday, December 20, 2015

INFO (2): Requirements for a bioinformatics job.....

################Job titles###################
Biostatistics Assistant
Bioinformatics Scientist
Bioinformatics Specialist
Bioinformaticist (R&D)
Bioinformatics Specialist (Clinical Analyst)
Chemical Data Warehourse Technologist
Campus Cyberinfrastructure Engineer
Computational Biologist
Computational Chemist 
Computational Scientist
Data Scientist
Informatics Scientist
Genetic Counselor
Machine Learning Researcher
Medical Writer
Software Test Engineer 
Software Engineer - Bioinformatics
Research Scientist - Protein Biochemist
Structural Biologist
Statistical Geneticist
Bioinformatics Analyst I
Bioinformatics Programmer II
Research Scientist
Technical Writer
Research Scientist I/II/III
Phenotypic Data Analysis
 human genetics, statistics, bioinformatics databases, and computational tools in membrane protein analysis 
Studies of Gastrointestinal Pathogens
Public health and medical research applications
Medical Informatics
Experimental Medicine
Clinical Pharmacology
Modeling and Simulation
Setup and execute standard bioinformatics pipelines for comparative analysis of microbes, mobile genetic elements, and gene variation
Effectively communicate technical analysis and results
Translational Microbiology 
Metabolic Engineering
construction of transformation vectors, cloning, Southern blotting
analysis of next-generation sequence data 
Natural products drug discovery, biosynthesis, bioinformatics and synthesis of natural products
Proficient in bioinformatics tools for analysis and interpretation of sequencing-based clinical diagnostic tests
high throughput screening strategies 
application of various mutagenesis approaches
bioinformatic analysis to identify novel disease genes
develop and support analysis tools for drug sensitivity screens and next-gen sequencing data, maintain datasets, integrate tools 
Genetic Epidemiology 
Genomic data analysis, with a special emphasis on structural variation, sequence variation
Renewable Energy
Data integrity 
Biomarker discovery
Manipulate data and perform statistical analysis in collaboration with investigators for clinical, genetic, bioinformatics, epidemiological, and laboratory
Core requirements...........
#Masters in Bioinformatics or Computational Biology.
#Knowledge of molecular biology, genetics, metagenomics, cancer biology, population genetics, statistics, biostatistics, Genetics, Genomics,  Computer Science, bioinformatics,  data transformation, parametric and non parametric testing, detection, quantification, Biometric
 (depending on the company and job involved).
#Experience of handling NGS data from top sequencing facilities like Illumina, ThermoFisher... 
# Expertise/experience of Java, Python, Shell , JavaScript, CSS, PHP, .NETRuby, C++, CC#, perl, SQL, SAS, R, MATLAB..
#Strong knowledge of bioinformatics software repositories, databases, links...
#Submit a cover letter outlining the relevance of their research experience and interests to the position description, statement of current work
Plus knowledge..........
#Big data frameworks like Hadoop, Mahout, MapReduce
#Agile, scrum technology
#Independent as well as team work skills
#Good writing and communication skill
#################Top hiring companies############
Ambry Genetics
GE Corporate
Johnson and Johnson
Mayo Clinic
Sanford-burnham Medical Research Institute 
Department of Health and Welfare
Synthetic Genomics
Human Longevity, Inc.

*There are numerous others

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