Saturday, November 21, 2015

Language: MS Excel........

Name box  can be used to select data range 
A1: A10 (selects rows 1-10)
A: D(selects clumns A to D)
1: 20 (selects rows and columns 1-20)
To import text to excel
data-from text-delimited-finish
To populate all rows of a column
select a number and drag down (press ctrl to just copy)
select a number and drag down  (no ctrl needed for increment)
To name axis and graph title
go to layout-chart title, axis title, gridline removal
To add number in cell A1 and A2
To subtract number in cell A1 and A2
To multiply number in cell A1 and A2
To divide number in cell A1 and A2

Sum or subtract all numbers in cell from A1 to C1 (dragging down will do the job for subsequent rows)

Multiply all numbers in cell from A1 to C1 (dragging down will do the job for subsequent rows)

*For use variable put $ sign before the column and row name, like $A, $1 etc.
e.g. =SUM ($A1:$B2)
To find average of the selected range
Normalization formula
To square in excel
Use of IF condition 
IF A1 and B1 are equal, result will be TRUE
Other relevant comparisons and calculations
=(A1>B1)*(A1*5%)+(A2<=B2)*(A2*5%) (TRUE is 1 and FALSE is 0)
Chi test gives error value between, actual and expected value
*Degree of freedom depends on the rows (r) and columns (c)
If r > 1 and c > 1, then df = (r - 1)(c - 1)
If r = 1 and c > 1, then df = c - 1

If r > 1 and c = 1, then df = r - 1
To insert charts
Insert tab-column, line, pie charts
To sort based on columns
data---> sort--->column

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